
Admissions within our inner most

I've come to really enjoy a good spring/summer, autumn/winter closet reset; the process let's you actually understand real replenishing need.

I am 'one of those' whom folds & puts away(immediately upon the end of a cycle) all the laundry *Everything has it's dedicated space. my strategies in folding is unquestioned

I the kind of lady who checks all fluid levels every 3 months in my auto, growing up we were on budget & took great care of what little we had. It's sheer reckless lazy behavior to dismiss such responsibility otherwise.

Every time I see % advertisement in emails, I automatically delete them.
The rare & ONLY exception; being in actual need for the discount. Which honestly, is well plotted & directly tailored to replenishment need.

Similar auto delete disdain applies to farmhouse chic.

I've cultivated my own personal style level of diet called some'et'tarian. I enjoy heaps of vegetables & fruits, poultry, pepperoni sausage, limitless teas, juices & water. 

My mission is to live & let live.

Well balanced lives speak for themselves, flaunting isn't part of encouragement.

Something about before & after clean or decorate with me videos feels too revealing & unsafe to publicly share online to the world in such a reckless manner. It's too exposing & the amount of flex bragging exposer with this type of overshare has serious repercussions to those whom honestly struggle. I do very much enjoy them for the since of closure & curiosity, but at too big a cost. My thoughts meditate to those whom die starved everyday.

During the Halloween season, I slink away from participating in too much attention to gore & fright. I am a retired actress from the haunted house realm, my curiosity had been filled during my years spent shocking & scaring others to willingly cry huddled in darkened corners from fright.

I do not hesitate to mute, for the allotted amount of day's, the abbreviations of holiday names & or other words. I find great disdain in blatant lazy time saving habits. such as spell check. I fully understand saving time threw automated spell check.


The Inner Skeleton dialog

I have created Monsieur Inner Skeleton in response to a familiar inner struggle.  
The literal dialog for this is as follows & can be found between B.F.4.L. threw conversations of ample debate. 
" "You know what they say?" -T.T.I.H.A.Y
"Everyone has skeletons in their closet?" -Inner skeleton

 I suppose; at the root. Inner Skeleton is about the questionable search for balance.  
Resulting all our struggles to find & re-invent our own form of normal.
It's interesting that a rare few stand out to serve as examples for all, that Carpi Diem is deadly real.

Inspiration Challenge speech | Fear Not

 Fear not doth Rapturious Apocalyptical:

"Too many people are afraid of change.  It implies parting away from familiar comforts. 

Lets overcome our shadowing discomforts & Challenge our regrets! Time is ripe for renewal!!
Our passions: to cheer each other, think logically & growth threw change; are to serve as inspiration.
Let us crumble -the word apocalypse is actually Greek & means great awakening; & Revelation means new idea
  Fear, Awakening, Fresh ideals. 
The world needs change & has moved with small waves threw new ideas & needs to keep up the momentum in order to evolve & grow for the better. To learn threw trial & error.

Our ripened renewal is overdue for each of us collectively to really carpi diam!

Let us forage ahead into new times.
Proust to new revolutions, & geological movements. 
Relax; let's enjoy each other & raise our selves to have no fear."

Let us advance. Leading by example & Rise unto the stars!

Seasonal: S'mores, Frappuccino Blended Coffee -Ingredient instructions

Unofficial re-created S'mores Frappaccino: Start off with marshmallow-infused whipped cream plumped at the bottom of your drink cup, milk chocolate sauce hugging the side's, a creamy blend of *vanilla - cinnamon - coffee espresso shots - coconut milk & ice* topping it all off with marshmollowy whipped cream *optional graham cracker crumble.


marshmallow whipped creambitter & sweet chocolate sauceice, coconut milk, espresso shots, cinnamon, vanilla, *optional - tiny graham cracker topping


Paranormal experience Q & A

Assembling a paranormal Q & A.  Please feel free to leave any questions below for others to possibly use/add to. Or if you desire to share a story, leave a note. 

1. Do you recall how old you where when you had your first paranormal experience?
2. Have you always believed in the paranormal / ghosts? Or are you a sceptics? 
3. What / Where is your favorite place to investigate? Do you have a favorite place?
4. Do you have any favorite tool you bring with you when you investigate?
5. What is your scariest paranormal experience?
6. What is your most memorable paranormal experience?
7. Do you know anyone else personally who has paranormal experiences?
8. Do you have trouble convincing friends & family about your paranormal experience?
9. Favorite T.V. show / movie with paranormal topics? 
10. Do you have a dream place to investigate?
11. Do you prefer to investigate alone or in a group?
12. Is your home haunted? Or do you know of any haunted locations?
13. Have you ever had any paranormal experiences with animals?
14. Have you ever had any paranormal experiences with found objects?
15. Have you noticed as you get older, your interest Wayne or grow with the paranormal?
16. What precautions do you take with the paranormal?
17. Do you have any reference material for the paranormal?


November: National Novel Writing Month? New years, challenge?


I beseech you; My fiendish writer'Esq friends!!  
Bring forth your skill & playful hands, to smack the world upside down with an asult of brain power!!
Mimmwars, Manifestos, Short story's, Poems, Plays, Novels, song lyrics, Brainless dribble. ect.

Rise to the challenge that is November's National Novel writing month!
p.s. I better see some results from this. *Self -you had better finish this project!

mid winter/ new years should be my new novel month, Ive been thinking of all my fellow writers, & ideas that rest hidden in my mind & when it would be more fitting for my own self to re create national novel month, Ive been thinking new years would be a better fit for me. personally.


Lomography, Fisheye 35mm Compact Camera

Urban Outfitters home design objects camera collection.
Thank you for carrying quirky home items. I appreciate the inspirational hobby gift ideas.
With great excitement, I picked up my first Fisheye camera.
   The girl at the store told me she owned the same camera & that she loved it. ^ ^
 35mm I will always be in love with your perfect grain effect.
Peacock blue green.

Cloud nine, perfect! <3