
Paranormal experience Q & A

Assembling a paranormal Q & A.  Please feel free to leave any questions below for others to possibly use/add to. Or if you desire to share a story, leave a note. 

1. Do you recall how old you where when you had your first paranormal experience?
2. Have you always believed in the paranormal / ghosts? Or are you a sceptics? 
3. What / Where is your favorite place to investigate? Do you have a favorite place?
4. Do you have any favorite tool you bring with you when you investigate?
5. What is your scariest paranormal experience?
6. What is your most memorable paranormal experience?
7. Do you know anyone else personally who has paranormal experiences?
8. Do you have trouble convincing friends & family about your paranormal experience?
9. Favorite T.V. show / movie with paranormal topics? 
10. Do you have a dream place to investigate?
11. Do you prefer to investigate alone or in a group?
12. Is your home haunted? Or do you know of any haunted locations?
13. Have you ever had any paranormal experiences with animals?
14. Have you ever had any paranormal experiences with found objects?
15. Have you noticed as you get older, your interest Wayne or grow with the paranormal?
16. What precautions do you take with the paranormal?
17. Do you have any reference material for the paranormal?