
Admissions within our inner most

I've come to really enjoy a good spring/summer, autumn/winter closet reset; the process let's you actually understand real replenishing need.

I am 'one of those' whom folds & puts away(immediately upon the end of a cycle) all the laundry *Everything has it's dedicated space. my strategies in folding is unquestioned

I the kind of lady who checks all fluid levels every 3 months in my auto, growing up we were on budget & took great care of what little we had. It's sheer reckless lazy behavior to dismiss such responsibility otherwise.

Every time I see % advertisement in emails, I automatically delete them.
The rare & ONLY exception; being in actual need for the discount. Which honestly, is well plotted & directly tailored to replenishment need.

Similar auto delete disdain applies to farmhouse chic.

I've cultivated my own personal style level of diet called some'et'tarian. I enjoy heaps of vegetables & fruits, poultry, pepperoni sausage, limitless teas, juices & water. 

My mission is to live & let live.

Well balanced lives speak for themselves, flaunting isn't part of encouragement.

Something about before & after clean or decorate with me videos feels too revealing & unsafe to publicly share online to the world in such a reckless manner. It's too exposing & the amount of flex bragging exposer with this type of overshare has serious repercussions to those whom honestly struggle. I do very much enjoy them for the since of closure & curiosity, but at too big a cost. My thoughts meditate to those whom die starved everyday.

During the Halloween season, I slink away from participating in too much attention to gore & fright. I am a retired actress from the haunted house realm, my curiosity had been filled during my years spent shocking & scaring others to willingly cry huddled in darkened corners from fright.

I do not hesitate to mute, for the allotted amount of day's, the abbreviations of holiday names & or other words. I find great disdain in blatant lazy time saving habits. such as spell check. I fully understand saving time threw automated spell check.